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  • Orgonite is the life force which unites all being. It is the essence of creation, in reality it is orgasm as its primordial state, when one comes in contact with it it blossoms, the very nature of PEACE, it Is very subtle yet very HEALING !, and mentally penetrating.

orgone does not require belief or conscious attention in order to work. this is not a religion, a cult, or a product of disinformation IT WORKS ! . This has nothing whatsoever to do with the ''newage movement''. 

In the beginning came the big bang, the concept of orgone, was discovered by wilhelm reign, whom invented the orgone accumulator, where his patient would sit in a box which was made out of resin and mental shavings, this  emitted orgone energy. This concept was then furthermore  expanded by don croft who added a quartz crystal, hence why you have a whole lot people making orgone with gemstones !


But why the quartz, quartz when put under pressure into a resin matrix, creates a ton of electricity which we call Free Energy. My whole concept and idea Is to  incorporate this energy by enhancing another layer and bouncing it, with scalar energy, this then brings us a little bit deeper, because, not only are we bringing in wilheim reign discovery into action but we are also calling Nikola Tesla, ‘’scalar wave’’ concept of the Tesla coil into action.




This takes us into the ‘’ SCALAR ORGONE ! ‘’ . why not increase the vibration ahead furthermore , I then decided to fine tune this idea by infolding the combination of quartz, resin, and scalar wave matrix into the mix to then bring you the ‘’ SCALAR ORGONE PENDANT ’’ so instead of going into a box to charge you with orgone energy, why not wear something which not only gives you free energy, but also heals you and gives you more energy during the day.